Every manuscript needs another set of eyes.

But it shouldn't belong to your spouse, your best friend, or your teacher.

Our manuscript review service provides you with an objective review by a published author with a broad editorial and teaching background. The process begins with a phone conversation in which you'll discuss your objectives. You'll also set the time parameters for the review--as little as a week for a short story, as much as six for a book of moderate length. When the review is complete, our author will send you a one to five page review, which a few weeks later you'll discuss by phone.


Every editor is looking for a reason to stop reading. Don't give her one.

No matter how carefully we pore over our work before it goes out, each of us has missed an inconsistency, a grammatical error, or a mangled word choice in the first few pages. It's inevitable. We can't look at our own work with fresh eyes.

Our editing services are available for work at all stages of development, in any form or genre. We can review a rough first draft of a book-length memoir or the final version of a short story ready for submission.

Price depends on the length of the work and your objectives


You have twenty pages.

It's the same twenty pages you've had for five years.

You know what you want to write, but you're not getting anywhere. Sometimes you write a page or two but trash them as soon as they're done. Or you rewrite what you have without improving it. You join a writers' group and drop out after the old stuff's been reviewed but before new stuff is due.

We've all been there.

Our coaching program is intended for writers new to book-length work as well as experienced authors stalled in a project. After a lengthy phone conversation, we'll design a plan specific to your needs whose objective is a book length manuscript within eighteen months. The basic plan is for you to produce thirty-five hundred words a month--just over a hundred a day. Your coach, a published author with extensive teaching and editing experience, will line-edit the work and provide detailed feedback through email and by phone. You and your coach will then plan your work for the coming month. Bear in mind that while we're here to help, the work is all yours.

Price will depend on your goals. Contact us for more information.